Special Announcements


It's Winter Time! Start taking inventory of what you have in your house. What are you using and wanting to keep? What have you not used in a year? Set aside things you don't use and schedule a drop off to dispose of those items properly. Scroll down to see the list of things we do and do not accept.

What you CAN DISPOSE of at our facilities

Paints (oil-based, craft and hobby paints), stains, varnishes, and more

Pesticides, herbicide, other garden chemicals

Gasoline, other fuel, motor oil and filters, antifreeze, brake and transmission fluid

Alkaline (ex: AA/AAA batteries) and car batteries

View the full list of what we can accept

What you CAN'T DISPOSE of at our facilities

Explosives and ammunition

Radioactive waste

Appliances, electronics, TVs/monitors

Medical waste

View the full list of what we can't accept

Estimate Your Drop-off cost

Using this calculator you can estimate what fees may apply.  The first 50 pounds of hazardous waste are subsidized, and there is a cost after that. Latex paint disposal is 50 cents per pound.

Click here for up to date pricing, hours, and locations.

Calculate now