Contact Information
HHWSTL has provided a tab for FAQs (frequently asked questions) and a facility hours/locations tab here.
Waste from businesses, schools, or places of worship are not accepted here.
If you still need assistance please use the contact information below. Contact the entity based on where you live.
Saint Louis County
Phone: program coordinator: 314-615-4054 - main office: 314-615-4130
Main Website: https://stlouiscountymo.gov/
Waste and Recycling Website: https://stlouiscountymo.gov/st-louis-county-departments/public-health/environmental- services/waste-and-recycling/
Recycle Wizard - a searchable database that tells you how to dispose of your waste - https://stlouiscountymo.gov/st-louis-county-departments/public-health/environmental-services/waste-and-recycling/recycle-wizard/
Saint Louis City
Phone: 314-622-4800; Brightside STL office: 314-772-4646
Main Website: https://www.stlouis-mo.gov/
Refuse Division: http://stlouis-mo.gov/recycle
St. Louis City Recycles: http://stlcityrecycles.com/
Jefferson County
Phone: 636-797-5043
Main Website: https://www.jeffcomo.org/
Latex paint recycling is 50 cents per pound (Latex paint is not considered hazardous, and why the full cost is paid for by residents).
The first 50 pounds of hazardous waste is free, and $1.70 per pound after that. See what is considered hazardous waste here.
HHWSTL is made possible by a partnership between: